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10/21/14 04:53 PM #16    

Robert Skinner

I noticed that Steve LePaine is not listed as deceased.  I know he was a Missoula police officer that died in an auto accident as I recall.  Not sure who maintains the memory portion, but I believe this is what happened to him.  Here is a link:


10/21/14 06:36 PM #17    

Merle Hoerner

Thanks Bob. I do remember the incident I put that in there

Thanks again


04/20/15 08:51 AM #18    


Gary Waller


The pictures look great from Locksa gathering. I am retiring next year from Northwest Nazarene University and should be more available for some of these things. It is interesting that with a graduation class so large I didn't know everyone so it would be nice to connect with some I never knew.

Have a great day,

Gary Waller

02/16/18 07:57 AM #19    

Hal Powell

Merle, Great website. Thanks for doing all the work. It will be great to catch up with all you hosers this summer( and the rest of you too),  I will start looking for lost classmates. 

Hal Powell

05/17/18 06:14 PM #20    

Llonda Bean (Putz)

Thank you for all the work you are all doing for the Reunion!  Anything I can do from afar I am willing!  Just let me know!


05/21/18 07:27 AM #21    


Gary Waller

It is good to see all the great posts. I wish I could be with you for the reunion but I will be out of country. I will continue to follow you all on this site. Gary

05/22/18 02:00 PM #22    

Sheila Larkin

 Merle, rather impressed with this website, thank you.  Phenomenal effort! I regret to inform you that I am not able to attend our 50th reunion. Please express my regrets to all who attend. 

06/03/18 04:02 PM #23    

Robert Skinner

Does anyone know where Janis Krieg is or whether she is coming to our 50th?  

06/04/18 08:45 AM #24    

Steve Roehl

Hi Bob, I don't know where she is. When visiting Missoula several years ago I saw and talked with her at Costco, she was doing the free sample thing. Other than that, I got bupkiss.

06/05/18 10:19 AM #25    

Vicki Marshall (Cocchiarella)

Bob and Steve. I send her a post card at a Missoula address which hasn’t come back. That’s a good sign.  I used to see her a lot when I was I the legislature as her husband would bring her to events where he represented a health care entity.  Im not at home until Thursday. I’ll get you more information then. I think she might still be in Missoula. Hope she come too. 

06/16/18 12:41 PM #26    

Sheila Larkin

 For those of you inquiring about Russ Crase:  he was one or two years ahead of us and was engaged to Wyn Wakely. If I recall correctly he was killed 4 months after arriving in Vietnam. There was a closed casket service in Arlington, 1968.

06/28/18 07:38 PM #27    

Alan Joscelyn

Hey there, classmates, Pam and I are looking forward to seeing all of you at our 50th reunion in a couple weeks.  I’ve shoehorned in a book signing Saturday, the 14th, from 10 – 11 a.m., in the lobby of the Grant Creek Inn, which is located at the north end of Reserve, just past the I-90 interchange, and behind Starbucks.  I’ll have my three Miles Patrick and Casie Irish novels, plus A Fierce Joy, my small book of memoirs and philosophic musings from a lifetime of running.  Grab a cup of coffee at Starbucks and  come in and see me.  We can talk about our English classes at Hellgate.

06/29/18 08:21 AM #28    

Michelle Beese (Beese)

Sounds exciting Alan!  Will you take a credit card?  I am sure looking forward to seeing you!


Michelle Beese (AKA: Mickey Dwyer)


06/29/18 07:40 PM #29    

Alan Joscelyn

Hey Mickey, your reply made me smile, because it is so wonderful it to reconnect with friends from such an important time in our lives.

Sorry, I haven't made the jump to cards, but from you I will  take a check, an IOU, or even a solemn promise to send a check.  My notion is to put my stories in the hands of people who might enjoy them and to have some fun in the process. 

See you in a couple weeks.

Hey, has anyone else recognized that we are the class of '68 and we, give or take, all are 68 years old on the occasion of our 50th reunion?  How neat is that?  Once in a hundred years, right?  Recognizing I only squeaked through math because Mr. Proctor and Mr. Zieg took pity on me.  I always knew we were something special.    


06/30/18 09:35 AM #30    

Michelle Beese (Beese)

I will bring my checkbook!  I checked out your books on Amazon!  WOW!  Can hardly wait to see you!




04/12/21 04:58 PM #31    


Gary Waller

Good afternoon.

I just finished my third book since retiring. It is "Giants, Saints, and Heroes: Scripture stories Brought to Life". My other books are on Amazon under Gary Lee Waller. I apologize if this is shameless advertizing, but hoped you would like to know.

On another note, my wife Ann and I have just survived Covid-19. We are still a bit tired but recovering. I am scheduled for surgery on May 4 so am glad Covid is done since it postponed this surgery once. This will be on my back and neck. I have had 21 surgeries prior to this and done well. Any prayers would be appreciated. 

Blessings to you all, I enjoy reading your posts.



04/13/21 07:45 AM #32    

Laurel Nordby (Tully)

Speedy recovery Gary.  Congrats on the new book.


04/14/21 02:21 PM #33    

Llonda Bean (Putz)

Prayers for a successful surgery and will definitely read your book! Thank you for the info!

02/17/22 01:28 PM #34    

Sheryl Jordan

Merle, it's been wonderful having this site even if I don't use it too often. I can't imagine we'd be able to have another reunion without it. If you've got the time, I guarantee you your classmates will find the $$. All the best, Sheryl Jordan

07/19/22 05:04 PM #35    

Kenneth Lowell


02/08/24 01:13 PM #36    


Dave Rodda

Some times you find the old things in the strangest places, like a secondhand store. It must be old, I'll bet lots of us threw, caught and chased this one.

02/09/24 07:43 AM #37    


Roger Goetsch

Dave, great find!  Roger


02/10/24 12:02 PM #38    

Steve Roehl

Dave, that's incredible. Thanks for sharing. Steve

05/09/24 01:48 PM #39    


Dave Rodda

While researching some old training materials, I came across a power outage I was involve in at Troy Montana, where we had to drop power for the entire community. I was searching for the town notices that were sent to the residents and newspaper, for a class I taught. There I found the Obituary for Kimberly Ann Head Finley.

Kimberly passed away November 29, 2023, in Missoula.

I was fortunate to have known Kimberly and her family throughout grade school at Prescott and our Hellgate High School years, then a few more before life went separate  ways. Kimberly’s family lived one house away, and her grandparents lived in a home behind us.

I recall the many days we played in our yard, and the old chicken house converted into a club house for the neighborhood kids.

Her grandparents Dan And Irene had a home at the base of Mount Jumbo with a huge front yard where many baseball games were played. There were many neighborhood gathering that happen there from baseball to the neighborhood celebrations of the 4th of July.

I recall sitting on a swing set there with Kimberly and other friends waiting and watching as Sputnik pass over. In the fall Dan had the wood cutting from the mills dropped off. For several weeks the neighborhood kids built several forts and houses, only to knock them down. Eventually we all helped Dan in stacking the wood in a pile off to side of his house for winter heat.

As winter came the hill behind her home was the sledding hill, if you had a sled fast enough, you could go almost two blocks down the road passed her grandparents’ home. One winter when it rained on top of the snow we could sled down five blocks to Jackson street.

Look at her accomplishments at Hellgate, she continued her leadership role throughout her life. Even when I went to Troy Montana with BPA to turn off all the power to the surrounding area, she was there in the café we stopped at before work. We chatted a bit remembering the days gone by, and what might lay ahead for us.

Dave Rodda


05/10/24 08:55 AM #40    

Steve Roehl


Thank you for posting such a heartfelt tribute to KIm.


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